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That’s what we do!

A day at Magenta

One of our jobs today: the complete post-production of a 45-minute documentary film about shooting stars.

08:47 am


Today we receive a tape by courier on which a documentary film about shooting stars is waiting for the necessary finishing touches.

From Saskia’s reception area, the material makes its way to Dirk, who checks the data for errors for the first time and immediately enters it into our system.

09:11 am

Magenta alert!

In the opening sequence, he complains about a scene in poor quality and immediately alerts Alice from his seat. She takes over communication with the customer.

09:22 am

Clear words

Sound correction is part of the post-production process: during an interview in the documentary, slight background noise can be heard, which we completely eliminate in our in-house sound studio. Holger takes care of it.

10:06 am

Cake buffet

Everyone now gets their own tailor-made piece: Sven spends his day with the complete colour correction of the film. He emphasises the scientifically exciting mood – a bit of crime thriller flair fits in well. Meanwhile, Torben will take care of creating the main title and belly bands.

10:37 am

Rest in pixels

Sven has pre-coloured the relevant parts of the film for Dominik so that he can make places and number plates unrecognisable. That way there’s no trouble later.

12:29 pm

A feast for the ears and eyes

The recording studio delivers the acoustic cream of the crop: the sound is now ready for the new arrangement! Meanwhile, Dominik loads the retouched sequences into the system.

3:33 pm


The sender has replaced the proxies with high-quality material. It reaches us immediately from the cloud via fibre optic cable and is used straight away. Torben, meanwhile, transmits his elaboration of the text placements to the server.

4:16 pm

The big picture

Kim brings together what belongs together: the colour-corrected sequences, the soundtracks and other elements are put together. Dirk sets the course for the playout.

4:47 Uhr

Hook underneath

Andreas takes over the technical inspection of the film.

5:44 pm

A clear starry sky

The post-production of the shooting star documentary fulfils the strict quality management criteria. Andreas releases the material. Paul approves the report for the client and organises the transfer to the broadcaster.

Demnächst bei Magenta

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